Capital :

Bell Address :

State Bird :

State Flower :

State Motto :

“Liberty and Independence”


April 5, 2019

Part 1

Date: August 13, 2017 

I drove through Delaware many times, but I never really got to explore it. I don’t remember a lot of it, but I do remember a couple things! On our first visit we went to the beach and boardwalk! The beach was called Rehoboth Beach. At the boardwalk I got a hermit crab who I named Hermie! She/he was super cute! I also got the famous Thrasher’s french fries. When we got back to the tent I played around with Hermie till he/she pinched me. We also went to Kaisy’s Delights where we got this pancake type thing. I really don’t know what it was but it tasted good! We also did a Cape Water Tour/Taxi. It was in Lewes, Delaware. It took us to a lighthouse. It was reddish orange, like a brick color. But it was white on the top! Then we went to the Air Mobility Command Museum. I went onto the president’s plane, but it wasn’t in use anymore. After that we went back to the tent and I went fishing with my cousin! Then we drove home.             

Part 2

Date: April 5, 2019

The first time we went to Delaware my mission was just to visit the state. But now, I needed to visit the capitol building and Liberty Bell! We stopped by from Maryland. We went to the Capitol building, even though we didn’t go inside it. It was mainly made of bricks. The sidewalk in front of it was also bricks. Right outside of the Capitol building was the Liberty Bell! There was a hue Delaware in words on the bar holding the bell up. There was also a circular plaque on the floor that said things about the constitution, since Delaware was the first founded state. After that, we drove home!