Capital :
Bell Address :

State Bird :

State Flower :

State Motto :
“In God We Trust”

August 23, 2020

Florida was a relatively (no a lot more) fun trip. The reason why is because from 2020 – 2021 I had virtual school from COVID-19. We decided since all of us were virtual, we would go to Florida! I really forget what happened on the way there, but I know it was really fun!
I have a house in Florida, so when I arrived I was really happy. Over the course of a little bit more than a year, I had a membership for ZooTampa and The Florida Aquarium. I got to go behind the scenes and saw some really amazing animals like penguins and manatees. We also went to a place where you would really expect, Walt Disney World! We were there for about a week and stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort. It was super fun! To make it even better we went there for Thanksgiving so we ate at the Be Our Guest Restaurant. We visited the Kennedy Space Center and watched a rocket go off and come down with a sonic boom. There was a fake shuttle launch ride and it was so cool. I also got my picture taken so it looked like I was wearing an astronaut uniform. During our stay there we visited the famous Cocoa Beach.
We went to another beach called Honeymoon Island. It had hiking trails and clear blue oceans. For a weekend trip we went to the Ringling Mansion and Circus Museum in Sarasota. It was interesting to see what their mansion looked like and what circuses were like. In Sarasota we came upon kayaking so we decided to go, and we swam through beautiful mangrove trees. We saw a mother teaching her baby dolphin how to hunt for fish. It was amazing to see her fling the fish 30 feet into the air to kill it. Another kayaking adventure took place in Crystal River. We went through nice peaceful waters, and saw a mother and baby manatee. The very last place we went to was Homosassa Springs. We went to see all sorts of animals being cared for. My favorite were the barn owls.
Going to the capitol and the State House was cool too. When I saw the building, it looked almost like the white house but with triangular roofs, except for the fact that there was a huge office building on top of it! It was all cement and it was a rainy day. When we got to the Liberty Bell, it was under construction so it was missing. Noo! We made an arrangement to go there when it opens back up. There were dolphin statues that reflected you when you walked past them.
We were able to visit many states when we were there in Florida and we had so much fun when we were there in Florida. It was an amazing time there and in 2022 we are going back to Florida for Disney and there for Thanksgiving. In November, we hope to see the Liberty Bell. Bye Florida!