Capital :

Bell Address :

State Bird :

State Flower :

State Motto :

“Esto Perpetua (Let It Be Perpetual)”


August 18, 2024

This was the second state in my northwest trip. After visiting Yellowstone, I drove to my hotel in Idaho, located right next to Henry’s Fork River. Since I got there pretty late, I went straight to bed. 

The next morning I ate breakfast early in the morning and left to see the capital of Idaho: Boise. Looking out the window in the car made me realize how empty Idaho is, with plains and farmland for hundreds of miles. On the way there (it was a six hour drive) I visited the Idaho Potato Museum in Blackfoot. It was actually quite interesting to learn how the potatoes first came to Idaho (from Peru) and how they are collected at each harvest. They also had the world’s largest potato chip there! Connected to the museum was a little potato cafe, where they served, you guessed it, potatoes! They were cooked in many different styles, from baked to fried. You could also pick your toppings, and overall they were really good! Afterwards, I finally arrived at Boise, which is a really nice city. The bell was on display right in front of the capitol building, and had its ringer and plaque. I was not able to go inside of the building though, since it was Sunday and it was closed. But I did walk around the grounds a little bit, and it was pretty well-kept! I decided to eat dinner at the Bittercreek Alehouse. I got soup and a salad, and they were both delicious! I then checked into my hotel and slept. 

The next morning I woke up early and got in the car to my third state: Oregon. Bye Idaho!