Capital :

Bell Address :

State Bird :

State Flower :

State Motto :

“Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (Let the Welfare of the People be the Supreme Law)”


April 13, 2023

After coming from Kansas, I drove to the Whataburger in Kansas City, Missouri (off putting) and ate some fries, along with the cold pizza from regular Kansas. Then, I made my way over to our Hampton Inn in Columbia, MO and went to bed. 

On the second day, I headed to the Capitol Building in Jefferson City, explored the grounds and found the Liberty Bell, along with some cool fountains with statues. All in all, it was super nice! Afterwards, I actually went inside of the Capitol Building, and it was incredible! It was basically a museum, with displays, models, art and so much more! I then ate at a pizza/buffet right next to the Capitol Building for lunch and walked to Deborah Cooper Park, which is essentially a long bridge that leads down to the Missouri River. The scenery was really beautiful and I had a good time. 

Leaving the capital, I went to the Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site, and learned many interesting facts about him, like how Ulysses wasn’t really his first name! There was a mistake in his application form by a benefactor, changing Hiram Ulysses Grant into Ulysses S Grant. Then I drove over to my hotel in St. Louis and waited for the next day. 

Visiting St. Louis was a super cool experience. I first walked over to the Gateway Arch National Park and took the elevator to the top and looked over the entire city. Then I took the elevator back down and bought a ticket for the Gateway Arch Riverboat tour, which was really amazing! Lastly, I ate lunch at a great BBQ restaurant called Salt + Smoke and drove over to the St. Louis Airport. But that is a whole another adventure.