Capital :

State Motto :

“Labor Omnia Vincit (Work Conquers All)”


April 10, 2023

After my trip to Arkansas, I made my way over to Bricktown, a famous section of Oklahoma City. I went straight to the hotel and checked in. Later, I walked over to Culprits, a restaurant, and probably had one of the best steaks of my life (everything was delicious though).

The next day I walked to the Capitol Building and passed real, working oil wells along the way. When I reached the Capitol Building, it was really nice! I went inside and, luckily, a tour was just about to begin. I learned many interesting facts along the way, such as Kate Barnard, the first woman to get elected as a state official of Oklahoma, even though women couldn’t even vote! The bell was so close to the Capitol Building, yet so far away. I had to even cross a highway to reach it! But I made it, and that’s all that matters. 

Then we went to the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum, and after went to dinner along the river walk. It was super beautiful, and you can even ride a boat along it. 

On my third day, I visited the Marland Mansion and headed over to the Salt Plains State Park. I dug up many salt crystals and it was a super cool experience! Last, we cleaned ourselves up and left for Kansas. See ya, Oklahoma!