Capital :
Bell Address :

State Bird :

State Flower :

State Motto :

Capitol Building - April 16, 2024

I flew into Austin, Texas to begin this trip. After making my way out of the airport, I checked into my hotel (that was within walking distance of the capitol building). I then ate dinner, which was take-out from a place called The Velvet Taco. It was very delicious, but was very filling so I could only eat one.
I went to bed and woke up the next morning to eat breakfast and check out the capitol building. On the way there, I saw some pretty statues of animals, such as an armadillo. Once I got to my destination, I decided to go inside and take a tour. There is a star on the floor right underneath the dome, and if you stomp on it hard enough it makes a sound similar to cracking a whip. The rest of the building was also super nice, especially the doors. Along with the doors themselves, their handles and hinges were also all huge and engraved, which showed me that they truly would go big or go home. Last but not least, I learned about the three most famous Texans (although not any of them originally from Texas), Sam Houston, Stephen Austin and David Crockett. It was probably one of the best tours so far. After visiting the capitol I volunteered at the Run Austin Marathon, then ate at Terry Black’s Barbecue. It tasted exactly as I expected, good Texas barbecue. It was a long day, so after eating I drove back to my hotel and slept.
On the next day, I visited the Blanton Museum of Art, which had a lot of beautiful pieces of art. My two favorites were the huge structure known as “Austin”, which is also the museum’s most iconic piece. It has a very pretty aesthetic, with the only lighting being through rainbow stained glass. My other favorite piece was called “Missão/Missões (How to Build Cathedrals)”. It contains 600,000 coins, 800 communion wafers, 2,000 cattle bones, 80 paving stones and a black shroud covering the entire thing. It is very interesting, both art-wise and in its symbolism. Later on, I drove into the city and this time checked into my hotel there. I walked around the city for a bit and ate crêpes at Le Café Crêpe. After I finished I went up to my room, and it was incredible, along with having an amazing view. I hung out for a while before deciding to eat dinner. There was a Burger Bar connected to the hotel I was staying at, so I got food from there. I took the elevator back up to my room and there, and was really surprised by how good the burger actually was! I later went to bed and woke up early the next morning to catch my flight, away from Texas. But it isn’t over yet…still need to see the Liberty Bell!